Monday, October 03, 2005


Category: Just for fun
I saw Serenity the other night. I left the theater pretty upset by the whole thing. Not because it was a bad movie, but because it affected me. I don’t know that I’ve really felt the emotions that I had when I left that movie theater in a long time. At least not when going to see a movie. Live theater definitely, but not a movie. I just realized because with live theater it seems so real. There are real people in front of you going through these things. You’re like a voyeur looking into a specific time period in these people’s lives. With a movie you have some distance, some perspective. You know what your seeing isn’t real. After all it’s just like a giant TV screen. You can’t touch the people on the movie screen. But Serenity was special because I had formed a relationship, be it imaginary with the people on that screen. And when one of those people was killed so senselessly and violently it really hurt me. I think a lot of people that have seen the movie felt the same way. I just don’t think that they have realized that they didn’t like the movie. They need to realize that the didn’t like the message. And I applaud Joss Whedon for giving us that message even though we weren’t expecting to hear it. The message is that life is fragile, and something to be treasured. And when I person’s life is cut off just in the prime you mourn it. People don’t go to the movies to hear a message like that. They go to the movies to be entertained. And I’m not saying I wasn’t entertained. I’m just saying that there were other things factored in as well. I have to admit that I was in shock for a while, because I like a lot of people, have formed a “connection” with the particular character that was killed. But the more I thought about it the more I realized that the emotion I was feeling were very similar to when a school friend of mine was killed. It was devastating and I thought that the pain would never go away. I cried for a whole day when I knew that she was gone and I would never see her smiling face or hear her laugh again. But as time went on I remembered the good things that I had when I was with her. And the memories still hurt, but they made me smile at the same time. That’s what happened to me Saturday night. Maybe not to such a degree as with a real person, but it was a similar effect. And maybe I’m being silly. Maybe others who see the movie won’t agree with me. I think many people are angered by what happened. And that is a symptom of mourning as well. Because all of us that have seen the movie and had a stack in it are in mourning for a person that we really did care about. I applaud Joss and thank him for bringing real life into my fantasy world. It was very brave of him to do it. I don’t appreciate it too much, but it once again makes me appreciate life. And I look forward to each new Dawn and what the day have to hold for me. I think that’s what the movie is supposed to do and Joss does a fine job. So for those of you who have not seen the movie yet I encourage you to see it. I apologize for giving away a plot development as I did. But I think that after some distance you will all agree with me. Just give it a day or two to get over the shock


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