Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Some not so surprising news

So I just got off of the phone with S. He told me some information that I have to say I'm not so surprised to hear. A few weeks ago S told me that he was planning on moving to L.A. He has friends out there who have projects in the works for what he ultimately wants to do. Which is write and act. I know surprising. But I just finished working on a show that he co-wrote and it was pretty good and funny. Also I may be biased, but he is a good actor. So anyways his lease is up in September and he was trying to decide whether to move out there in September or later in the year.
Tonight he told me that he's flying out there on Saturday. I had a feeling this was going to happen. I mean he really doesn't have any solid ties here. I think when he was seeing his Ex maybe that was something that was keeping him here. But I'm really just a girl that he's been seeing for the past few months. There isn't any real emotional attachment or commitment to me. I have to admit I’m a little unhappy. But I think it's mostly selfish. He is a really good bed partner.

Apparently Friday he's going to have people over and offer up a bunch of his stuff and have a sort of party. Which is cool. I'll definitely go to that. I guess I have to be happy for the electronic revolution in one aspect. We can still keep in touch through email.
Last night I was trying to figure out why it was important for me to stay connected to him. Because in all honesty any other guy I would have stopped calling him when he didn't return my phone calls. But then I got a jolt and I realized there is a reason. I don't know what it is yet, but someday I'll be happy that we remained friends.
For now I'm just going to use him as an excuse to visit L. A. I've always wanted to visit there and now I know someone, intimately that will be living there. So when winter gets to be too much for me I'll have a couch to sleep on.
I am going to miss him though. He is a good guy and I really enjoyed his company. Oh well...

You know I realized that I kind of predicted something like this would happen when I was talking to my sister. I made a comment that I never really stay in a relationship for longer than three months. And that's basically what happened. In fact I bought just enough birth control to last the length of our relationship. How creepy is that? Well I'm going to have to call Mer. now and we'll have drinks and comment on how much guys suck

Of course it's not like I'm going to pine for long. I've already started searching the online dating sites. Like I said I had a feeling this was coming. S obviously isn't the one for me, but I'm sure he's out there somewhere. I'm not going to wait for him to come to me though. God helps those that help themselves after all.          


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