Monday, July 18, 2005

A night with the girls

Caegory: Friends
A couple of evenings ago I went to one of my favorite bars in town. It's called The Twisted Spoke. The reason why I enjoy this establishment is because of the cheap drinks. It's one particular cheap drink that this bar specializes in and that would be Jim Beam on tap. You heard me correctly. Beam on tap. This means that a Whiskey and Coke will only cost your $2.00. You can't beat that with a stick. The other thing that is lovely about this bar is how close it is to where my bed resides. Which I can tell you after an evening of Whiskey and Cokes is very nice indeed.

Anyways Saturday night I, my roommate and my heterosexual life partner were granting the bar with our presence when the subject of men came up. As I'm sure it would. I confessed my hesitation in getting too emotionally involved with S. And one of my girls made a really astute observation. She mentioned the fact that no matter what, I have always come out on top when it comes to relationships.

Now that doesn't mean that I haven't been hurt or disappointed, just that I haven't met the man yet that can break my spirit. In fact many of the guys that I've been involved with I've remained friends with. Or at least keep in touch with.

I realized that she's right. S may not be the guy for me. In fact I'm pretty sure he's not. We’ll probably have a good run together since he is a really good guy and I'm glad that he's in my life. But no matter what happens I know that in the end I'll come out alright.

It helps that I've got women in my life like the two I was out drinking with on Saturday. When I was in my teens I really didn't appreciate the company of women. Of course at that point they weren't women they were girls. But I felt that most females were petty and manipulative. I feel so blessed to have met the women that I know now. I don't think I'd be able to survive without them.

It's funny how a couple of drinks out with the girls can totally help you get perspective on things.    


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