Thursday, August 25, 2005

Much deserved praise

I recently came across a blog exchange site called BlogAdvance. I’ve only been a member for about 24 hours, but I‘m already very excited about the opportunities that it will offer. I think the best feature that it has is their forum area. You can go there and interact with other bloggers with similar interests and even ask your peers to critic your blog. This is really great for someone new to this whole thing like me. It gives you an idea of what actually makes people interested in a blog and why they continue to come back.

(Warning: Drunken Tangent Follows)
I have to admit that when I first started this thing it was sort of a way for me to spew the mental diarrhea that is in my head. But as I’ve wandered through other peoples blogs I’ve become more interested in getting people to stop by my place and sit for a while. I think the driving force behind most people’s lives is that they want to make an impact in the world. With the advent of the electronic age I think people are realizing not only how diverse we are, but how similar we are. Blogging is a great way to connect to people not only in your immediate circle, but also people across the world.
I guess maybe it’s a little egotistic of me, but I like to think that when someone else reads my posts is will resonate with them and maybe help them with something that they are experiencing in their own lives. Or maybe it’s just the wine talking. : )
(End of Drunken Tangent)

Sorry I got off the main point of this entry which is BlogAdvance I feel just in the short time that I have been involved that this organization is a true Internet Community or at least has the potential for it. Five stars for the developers. You have a great thing going here. Also I want to thank the kind people that gave me suggestions to help improve my blog. I will definitely take your suggestions to heart and implement them. In fact I went back through several of my posts and implemented their suggestions (at least to the best of my ability with my lack of sleep). I look forward to talking more to you guys.


At 10:51 AM, Blogger Linda said...

I really enjoy Blog Advance also, and I love reading about other's ramblings. God know I do enough of my own rambling on my blog!! Keep up the great work!! BA~~163

At 2:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea, welcome to BA!! we're all glad to have you aboard, mate!


At 6:47 PM, Blogger Trynty said...

I really appreciate everyone's comments. Thanks so much.

At 1:59 PM, Blogger Me said...

I too have enjoyed BA so much. It helped me increase traffic to my site and I got to see other's blogs as well.

Thank God, BA lifted my suspension a few weeks back! ;-)



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