Thursday, July 07, 2005

Sitting by the phone

Category: Romance/Dating
It's sorta late and yet I'm reluctant to go to bed. Even though after the Fourth of July holiday weekend that I experienced I'm sure I can use all the sleep that I can get. In all honesty I'm keeping myself awake because I'm hoping for a phone call from Sean. I did call him as I left work this evening and left a message for him. That was several hours ago now. So I guess I can assume that I will not receive a phone call from him this evening which upsets me a little.

Normally I'm not a phone talker. I just don't have the inclination to sit on the phone for several hours and ramble on about things. I save that for my electronic diary, in which few, if any people will actually read. But for some reason I really look forward to his phone calls. I don't mind talking to him about my daily activities. It reminds me a little of middle school when with your first "boyfriend" (in my case it was high school, but that's neither here or there) when you would stay on the phone for hours talking about who knows what. And when your parents confronted you about the amount of time you spent on the phone you really have no idea why you were on the phone for so long. You just know that you enjoyed yourself and you felt good when it was over. And a little unhappy that it had to end. That's how I feel when I talk to him.

He's a really good guy. Over the last few weeks I've discovered that I actually do like him quite a bit. It's not just a physical attraction. He's a person that stimulates me mentally and emotionally as well as physically. I haven't come across that in a real long time. I like it a lot. It makes me realize that he's someone that I can truly trust with my emotions and what not. A little scary, but exciting as well.

So of course I'm a little unhappy that I don't get to talk to him tonight. Oh well. Knowing his propensity for super late night calls my phone just may ring after all. Of course I'll be half asleep and birds will be singing outside my window. That's the thing though I don't mind that. It actually puts a smile on my face. It makes me feel maybe I'm one of the last things he thinks about before his head hits the pillow. Or maybe he's just looking for a booty call. Either way it does put a smile on my face when I see that it's him that's calling me.

Oh well...My eyes are starting to droop. I think I'll wander off to the land of nod. I'm sure I'll hear from him eventually.    


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