Monday, May 30, 2005

Me, I versus Us, We

Recently a bunch of my friends have started dating people. (Gotta love spring) I'm really happy for them. It's nice to find someone that you are attracted to and who enjoys your company a little more intimately than your normal circle of friends. I myself have started seeing someone and I'm really quite happy about it. It's been a long time. A real long time.

Anyways the thing that kinda bothers me is the fact that they've become a single entity. Before I could call up any one of these people and say, "What's going on? Let's hang out tonight." and they'd totally be down with it. Now I have to schedule my time with them. For instance one of my friends is seeing a girl and I'm much closer to him than I am to her. I only really know her through him actually. Before they started dating I'd call him to come over to have a few beers and play drinking games until the wee hours of the night. It was great fun. Now, if he returns my phone call and we hang out she'll be coming along too. Don't get me wrong I think she's a lovely person. She's fun to hang out with. But sometimes I just want to hang out with him.

This brings me to the reason for m post. I've found that a lot of couples have this Us, We thing going on. We've got plans. We love ice cream. We need to jump off a bridge. They lose they're individuality. That scares me. I almost don't want to be in a relationship if it means I have to combine my brain and identity with someone else. Sometimes I just want to hang out with my girlfriends or boyfriends. Maybe I've been single for too long. It doesn't seem right to me though. Supposedly the whole reason that you got involved with someone is because of who he or she is as a person. Why do you then decide that what you really want is someone to be attached to you at the hip?

Maybe I'm a selfish person and just don't like sharing. Who knows? I do know that if I ever start thinking in Us, we terms I may ask my best friend to kick me in the head. That should knock some sense back into me.


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