Saturday, October 08, 2005

Subscribe to me

Category: Blogging
I recently set up an account with Feedblitz . It's a feed subscription service. So now you guys don't have to figure out my feed or bookmark me. You can get all m up to date ramblings delivered directl to your mailbox whenever I update m blog. Right now I am the only subscriber. I know a lot of you guys are connecting to my blog through BlogAdvance, which is awesome. I hope that you are all enjoying the rambling thoughts that I have to offer. I would love it if you subscribed to me though. There's a form at the bottom of my blog where you can subscribe. All you have to do is enter your email address. In this day of Spam I completely understand if your weary of putting your email out there. But it would definitly give me a boost to know that there are people out there that are interested in reading what I have to say on a regular basis.

I know that my blogs are fairly long so your going to have to scroll for quite a while to get to the bottom of the page. I've been thinking about changing some things though. I want to create my own design and just use Blogger as a host. Or maybe even pony up the cash for one of the fancy hosting servers and leave Blogger. If any of you has any suggestions I'd love to hear them. I really appreciate the advice that the veteran bloggers have since I am still very new at this. Of course all of these prespective improvements are contingent on whether anyone out there is even interested in what I have to say. So scroll down to the bottom of the page and enter your email. I'll do my best to keep you entertained.

I've decided to make it that much easier for you guys to subscribe to me by putting the Feedblitz form in this post. Look at how nice and accomadating I am.

Enter your Email

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