Saturday, October 08, 2005

Conversation on the porch

Category: Friends
I've just said good night to my roommate for the evening. We were spending an evening on the porch finishing up our drinks and smoking some cigs. I've decided that every living space that I have from now on is going to have to have some sort of outdoor sitting area. There is something about a porch that is your own that is condusive to in depth meaningful conversations. Maybe it has to do with the fact that you can't really see each other's faces. Or the amount of alcohol that we've drunk. But people really connect when they're out on a porch in the evening.

I met S on our porch. Look how that turned out. Granted he moved to L.A, but it was good while it lasted...


At 10:13 AM, Blogger C. Hedges said...

I agree about porches being places of relaxation and deep meaningful conversations.

I spent many evenings on the porch with my roommates during undergrad drinking beer and watching neighbors walk by.

Later on, I lived in an apartment building that had a large wooden staircase in the front. Everyone would congregate on the stairs, smoke cigarettes and socialize. Some of my best memories of those times are of just sitting and talking about anything with people.

Maybe smoking makes people more social. If I am smoking anyplace outside, I always find people come up and start conversations. I don't see the same with non-smokers.

I agree! Every place should have a porch.


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