Wednesday, October 12, 2005

My 27th Birthday

Category: Friends
I was trying to decide what I should post for the evening and I realized that I hadn't mentioned anything about my 27th birthday celebration. I feel kinda silly talking about this now considering that it was a month ago. I'd been meaning to do it earlier, but then life intruded and you know how that can be.

So I decided that I wanted to celebrate entering my mid-late twenties at the Kit Kat Lounge. For those of you unfamiliar with it this place its a martini bar with a twist. The twist as you can see from the picture below is that they have drag queens entertain you while your enjoying dinner and drinks.

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This is me and one of my "sisters" Megan having a photo op with the lovely entertainer.

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Meri and Steph(roomie) enjoying a few Long Islands

The drinks and entertainment were a lot of fun. Apparently I had decided to celebrate the day of my birth on the same day that a bunch of women were having their bridal parties. Let me just say tiara and asymetrical tops and leave it at that. Something I really don't understand though is why would you want to go to a drag bar to celebrate one of your last nights as a single woman? When I get engaged I'm having strippers. After all it will be the last time that I get to touch a man that isn't my husband.

After we finished dinner we decided to leave the Kit Kat and go to a place that didn't have squeeling blondes in asymetrical tops. For us that would be the lovely establishment known as The Twisted Spoke. What birthday would be complete without $2 Whiskey drinks afterall?

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Me and my "sisters" at The Spoke, I'm the one in the middle.

Megan and Meri are two of my closest friends. We met in college and we've been through some very interesting times together. I trust their opinons above pretty much anyone's. They're the type of friends that will kill a man for you. And they'll make sure that it doesn't get traced back to them. I love them to death.

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Me and DB

During the evening I did find myself getting a little sappy. (Blame the aclcohol)I just felt so honored that there were so many people there that wanted to celebrate with me. I don't know that I could express in words how great it is to know that I have such great people in my life.

I know what your wondering where's the silly drunken picture? Well I don't want to disappoint. Below you will see a picture I like to call The Last Supper. I think that if there was ever a need for a poster to display what alcoholism looks like this would be it.

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The Last Supper

All in all the birthday was great fun and I had a lot of fun. A great way to celebrate entering my mid-late twenties. And the hang over wasn't even all that bad.


At 5:54 AM, Blogger C. Hedges said...

Your 27th looks like a fun time.

I've never heard of the Kit Kat Lounge before, but after seeing the pics, I might have to check it out one of these days.

Happy belated birthday!

At 2:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday.

Have to say, you certainly look younger than 27!


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